Sunday, June 04, 2006

Camaraderie, Team Chemistry, Esprit d' Corps

Sunday afternoon thoughts.

A team, or an organization, that wants to become the best of the best has to learn how to create extraordinary levels of teamwork (camaraderie, team chemistry, esprit d' corps), get everyone working together for a challenging common cause, and it has to be a great place to work.

That's why most businesses don't even try. Those leadership tasks are all difficult to do without a plan, a team-focused management system, and the ability to sell the vision. And, most importantly, the ability to do-it-right with fair, honest, and ethical practices.

It starts with a Servant Leadership mindset and team-focused leadership system.

How many high-test frontline team leaders want to do anything as painful that? Be humble? Work for them, serve them, help them? Inverted pyramid leadership? Huh?

How many are willing to get off the Me Bus and hop on a We Bus?

The current reality is that there haven't been many, but in most cases it takes a very few minutes to explain how they benefit. All managers-no matter how power hungry, the size of their ego, or whatever else may be wrong with them-understand the benefits of an entire team of happy achievers. When they learn how easy it can be, they are sinners reformed. They know they are blessed with different leadership awareness and a new passion for team achievement.

There I go selling my biz. Well, tonight is the night. I am going to tell my world-potential clients, friends, family-that I am finally open for business.

I am looking for a multi-location sales or customer service organization that will allow me to implement The Excitement Program in an underperforming store. One location, one remarable team achievement story and I'm off and running.

It's interesting that this
article on team building covers a lot of ground, but says very little about the value and benefits of focusing on creating and maintaining extraordinary team skills.

Why doesn't it?

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