Friday, June 30, 2006

More Truths About Employee Turnover

F. Leigh Branham wrote a short and to the point article, published in the American Management Association newsletter, that covers the subject well on one piece of paper which, of course, is extremely refreshing. The article covers six truths about employee turnover.

Truth No. 5 spoke to core of the situation, but not the core of the problem.

Truth No. 5: Managers Hold Most of the Keys to Keeping the Right TalentOne recent study showed that 50 percent of the typical employee’s job satisfaction is determined by the quality of his/her relationship with the manager. Many companies are floundering today in their attempts to improve employee retention because they have placed the responsibility for it in the hands of human resources instead of the managers. Many companies have begun to measure managers’ turnover rates and vary the size of their annual bonuses accordingly.

It just makes sense that the quality of the day-to-day interaction between managers and employees is important to both parties.

But the problem is that it is a culture problem. Companies that allow poor management are most often culturally corrupt. They say they stand for wonderful things. Perfect in all ways, but allowing bad management means you are also allowing favoritism, nepotism, egotism, celebrity and good ol' boy networks.


Anonymous said...

You knocked it out of the park, Dave. Companies who don't demand that their managers be leaders and people builders are only paying lip service to the platitudes that are most likely found in their mission statement.

I like your idea of it being a corrupt culture. Aptly put.

Thanks for posting!

Dave Sovde said...

Tom, thank you for both checking out my new blog and for the comment.

I have stumbled through a couple of weeks of getting the hang of blogging. While I am starting to get my sea legs, I've just begun my learning curve.

I loved your blog with it's variety of topics-many of which interest me-and the comfortable way you write. I also enjoyed the variety of bloggers who are having conversations with you.

Thank you.